On certain vehicles, the roll rate sensors in the airbag control module may improperly calibrate if the vehicle experiences a body roll motion approximately four seconds after the ignition is turned to the ‘ON’ position. If the vehicle experiences another subsequent body roll motion, the system may erroneously detect a rollover, causing both of the side curtain airbags to deploy and the seat belt pre-tensioners to be activated. Unintended airbag and/or seat belt pre-tensioner deployment, in a non-warranted (non-impact) situation, could result in injury and increase the risk of a vehicle crash causing injury and/or property damage. Correction: Dealers will replace the airbag control module with one which has improved programming.
On certain vehicles, a snap ring on the steering shaft may disengage when the vehicle experiences an unusually severe impact to the front wheels, such as striking a deep pothole. If the snap ring becomes disengaged and the steering wheel is then repeatedly turned to the locked position, over time the steering shaft may become disconnected, resulting in a sudden loss of steering control. Correction: Dealers will replace the steering shaft snap ring with an updated version.
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